Value Added service terms

Your terms and conditions for Supporters Club, BT Home IT Call, TV Aerial Installation and BT WiFi are below.

Your terms and conditions for Home Phone & Broadband, TV, Sport, Mobile, Cloud, Mail, Virus Protect and Tech Experts are here.

These terms and conditions are made up of three sections:

  1. Residential Standard Terms
  2. Supporters Club Terms (which just apply to the Supporters Club) and
  3. Value Added services Terms (which just apply to the Value Added Services)
    1. BT Home IT Call
    2. BT Home IT Call Virus and Malware Support
    3. TV Aerial Installation
    4. BT Wi-fi

Residential Standard Terms

The services we provide

  1. We provide you with your chosen services and any other consumer services and any equipment we provide.
  2. You have a separate agreement for each service that we provide to you, which is made up of these Residential Standard Terms, the relevant service terms (Supporters Club, Value Added Services) the Tariff Guide and any applicable Special Offer Terms.
  3. The services and equipment we provide to you under these terms are for personal non-business use.

Providing the service (access/permits)

  1. You agree to follow any reasonable instructions that we may give you, and to allow us access to your premises if we need it.
  2. You also agree to try to get any permission needed from someone else if we have to cross their land or put our equipment on their premises.
  3. You agree to look after any of our equipment. If you do not do so and the equipment is damaged other than through fair wear and tear, you will, have to pay for it to be repaired or replaced. If the equipment includes batteries you agree that you are responsible for ensuring these are recharged or replaced as required.

Where we provide your communications services

  1. We will deliver any equipment to the UK address you give us. We will provide the service in the UK unless the service terms say otherwise.

When we provide your communications services

  1. Your agreement with us starts on the date we accept your order for the service either on the phone or online (as the case may be). The minimum period starts from the date we start to provide you with the service as set out in the relevant service terms and the Packaged Services Terms (if applicable).
  2. If the service is intended to last for a minimum period, details will be set out in the Special Offer terms or the Tariff Guide.

Your Cancellation Rights

  1. You have a right to change your mind and cancel an order for a service, digital content or equipment as the case may be, within the first 14 days, subject to the following paragraphs:
    1. If we supply you with services you will have 14 days to change your mind from the day after the day we accept your order. If you cancel after we start to provide the service, you must pay the service subscription charge for any period that the service was made available to you and for any use of that service not covered by the subscription charge, up to the date that you told us you wanted to cancel. You will also need to pay any connection or activation charges associated with that service – including the full cost of charges that were discounted or advertised as free as a condition of taking the service on the terms that you agreed when we accepted your order. You will not have the right to change your mind once the service has been completed.
    2. If we supply you with digital content you will have 14 days to change your mind from the day after the day we accept your order. You will not have the right to do this if we have made the digital content available to you and/or you have started to download, stream or watch that digital content.
    3. If we supply you with equipment as part of your services contract you will have 14 days to change your mind from the day after the day you place your order. If you cancel after receiving equipment from us you must return the equipment within 14 days of telling us that you have cancelled.
  1. If you cancel a service as set out in paragraph 10 above, your Agreement in respect of any equipment we supply that is needed to use that service will not end until you have returned the equipment to us (which must be sent to us within 14 days of cancelling). If you return the equipment we will refund anything you have already paid for it, but we may reduce that refund by an appropriate amount up to the full value of the refund where the equipment is damaged or we consider that the equipment has been used more than absolutely necessary to verify that it was fit for purpose.
  2. We will treat any failure to return the equipment within 14 days of cancelling as a serious breach and immediately end your Agreement. If we do this and you did not pay for the equipment in full – you will be liable to pay the full price of the equipment. If you subsequently return the equipment to us, we will waive or refund what you have been charged for the equipment.
  3. Unless otherwise agreed by us or as set out in these terms and conditions, you are responsible for the cost of returning any equipment we have supplied for use with a service. We may offer to collect the equipment from you and if you agree, we will charge you our reasonable costs for doing so.
  4. If you cancel a service outside of the cancellation period set out above, you must give us 14 days' notice if you are switching to another provider through an approved switching scheme or 30 days' notice if you are cancelling for any other reason, as further described in paragraph 24. You may be liable to pay an early termination charge as set out at

Returning equipment

    1. You must return any item of equipment that either:
      1. you report to us as faulty or
      2. we tell you is faulty or requires replacement for technical reasons.
    2. We will supply equipment that is fit for purpose, of satisfactory quality and (where applicable) as described. If you reasonably consider that we have failed to do this and you tell us, you may be entitled to certain legal rights. During the expected life of the equipment these legal rights will include:
      1. Within the first 30 days where you tell us the equipment is faulty and we accept that it is faulty, a right to have the equipment repaired or replaced or the right to a refund, as we may agree that with your
      2. After 30 days but within six months of you placing your order you tell us the equipment is faulty, you have the right to have your equipment repaired or replaced (or full refund if a repair or replacement is not possible)
      3. After six months but up to the expiry of the warranty for the equipment that we have supplied to you, the right to have the equipment repaired or replaced, and if that is not possible or doesn't work, a right to a price reduction.
    3. If you exercise these legal rights you must return the faulty equipment to us. We will provide you with the required packaging to do this and we will pay the costs of postage.
    4. Where we agree to replace faulty equipment, we may replace such equipment before you return it to us, but you must still return the item.
    5. We may test any item reported as faulty by you, and if it is found to be working, we may choose to either return or replace it (if we have not already replaced the item).
    6. If within 30 days of us replacing equipment that either you report to us as faulty or we ask you to return, you have not returned that equipment, we may either interrupt or restrict access to any service that you take from us until the relevant item is returned, or seek to recover our costs in respect of that item from you via your bill. This does not affect your statutory rights relating to equipment which is faulty or wrongly described.

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Your use of your communications service

  1. The service is for your own personal use and enjoyment. You must always follow our acceptable use policies in the way that you use your chosen services which can be found on You must not use the service or allow the service to be used to make offensive, indecent, menacing, nuisance or hoax calls or to cause annoyance, inconvenience, needless anxiety or distress to yourself or others.
  2. You agree that any content, software or other copyright material we supply to you is for your own private use, and that you must not copy, change or publish the material or supply it to any other person or use it for any business purpose.
  3. If we provide you with a phone number, you agree to the following:
    1. That the number must not be advertised in or on a BT phone box. If this happens, we may suspend or end your agreement for the service. However, we will write to you before we take this action.
    2. That you do not own the phone number and that you will not transfer it to anyone else or try to do so.
  1. If you want to connect equipment to our network other than by using a BT main phone socket, you must get our permission. You agree not to connect equipment to our network:
    1. that does not bear the European Consumer Equipment Standards 'CE' mark or
    2. that may harm the network or other customers' equipment.

If you do, you must disconnect it immediately.

  1. If you have an internet access service from us, you accept that you are using the internet at your own risk. You are responsible for making sure any equipment you use to access the service is protected against viruses.
  2. If your service includes elements provided by BT Yahoo! you will need to agree to any additional terms of service you are presented with when you access that service. However, BT remains responsible for providing your BT Yahoo! service and handling your personal data.
  3. You are responsible for properly using any user IDs, personal identification numbers (PINs) and passwords needed for the service, if any, and must take all necessary steps to make sure that you keep these confidential and secure, use them properly and do not make these available to unauthorised people.
  4. Sometimes, when using your internet service, you may receive an 'error message'. For example, this can happen if you incorrectly type an address into the browser address bar or try to use a hyperlink or URL that is broken. In those types of circumstances, we may return results which we think are relevant or helpful to find what you are looking for. We will assume we have your permission to do this, unless you ask us not to. We will give you the opportunity to opt out of this facility on the first occasion that it applies to your use of your internet service.

Ending the service

  1. Once we have provided the service, you may tell us to stop providing it at any time, either by giving 14 days' notice if you are switching to another provider through an approved switching process, or by giving 30 days' notice if you are leaving for any other reason. We will accept an order you place with another provider using an approved switching process as notice, or from you direct via phone. You can contact us to give notice using any of the contact details set out on your last BT bill or any other means of contact we have given you, for that purpose. We can stop providing the service to you by giving you 30 days' written notice.
  2. If you cancel your direct debit without contacting us to arrange payment by alternative means we may end any agreement you have for the services you take from BT. We'll tell you if we intend to do this and if you're still within a minimum term contract for any of those services, you'll have to pay the charge – as set out in the relevant service terms – by way of compensation to us for ending those services early. You can find details of these charges in the Tariff Guide and on
  3. If you or we end the agreement for the service, we will pay back to you any money we owe you relating to that agreement. We will first take off any money you owe us under that agreement or any other agreement between us. Where we provide you with a range of communications services and you owe us money for one service we reserve the right to charge you for that service via the bills we send you for your other services, unless there is a genuine dispute between us regarding one of your services.

Moving home

  1. If you move home within the UK, and let us know at least 14 days before you do so we will continue to provide your communications service by whatever technology is available at your new address in line with our home mover policy (available on and the terms set out in the relevant service terms.

Paying for the service

  1. You agree to pay all charges for the equipment and the service, including any additional charges detailed in these terms, the Tariff Guide or the Price List, whether you use the service or someone else does. You will be able to review these prices when placing your order online or we will tell you what they are when placing your order via our call centre. The method of payment will be either as set out in the service terms or as we otherwise agree with you.
  2. We will normally bill you upfront (in advance) for any rental charges for the service. We will bill you later for any usage charges for your communications services. If possible, charges will appear on your next bill, but sometimes charges may appear on a later bill.
  3. Your first bill will be produced shortly after we have provided the service to you for the first time. After that, bills will be produced at regular intervals. However, we may sometimes produce a bill at a different time, for example if the amount of money you owe us is considerably higher than expected. We deliver bills to you either by post or by making the bill available to view online. Some services require that your bills are delivered in a particular way. We will tell you if this is the case. If you receive a paper bill, it will be posted to the address where the service is provided unless otherwise agreed by us. Online bills are available for you to view at
  4. If you take broadband service from BT and receive a paper bill, you must pay a Paper Bill Fee as set out in the Tariff Guide for the regular monthly or quarterly bills that we post to you. This fee covers the additional production and postage costs associated with this type of bill. You can avoid paying this fee by opting to have your bills delivered online.
  5. You will not have to pay a Paper Bill Fee if you are a BT Basic or Line Rental Plus customer or you have Network Controlled Calling on your telephone line. The Paper Bill Fee will not apply to reminders or initial, final, supplemental and interim bills. If we have agreed to send you a bill in an alternative format, e.g. braille or large print, or if you require a bill that serves as a VAT invoice for reclaim purposes, the Paper Bill Fee will not be charged. If we post multiple regular bills to you, e.g. because a service you take from BT is billed separately from your other services, you will only need to pay the Paper Bill Fee for the bill that includes your telephone and/or broadband charges.
  6. You agree to pay the charges as soon as you receive your bill unless otherwise agreed by us. You may also need to pay a deposit or a payment upfront before you can receive the service or goods. If you think that the charges on your bill are incorrect and wish to dispute those charges, you must tell us straight away. You must pay any charges that are not disputed. We will not suspend or end a service while we investigate any dispute.
  7. If you do not pay your bill, we will send you a reminder or call you. If we do not receive payment within 10 calendar days of the date of that reminder (seven days if you pay monthly), we may add a late payment charge of £7.50 to your next bill by way of compensation to us for breaking the terms of this agreement. We may also charge you £10 by way of compensation to us for any direct debit or cheque payments which are returned to us because you do not have enough funds in your account. The charges set out in this paragraph are not subject to VAT.
  8. We will generally not suspend or end the service or the agreement for non-payment of your bill until 28 days after your payment was due (21 days if you pay monthly). If however you have failed to pay on time a recent bill or have failed to pay a bill on many occasions we may end the service earlier than 28 days (or 21 days if you pay monthly).
  9. If you do not pay your bill, we may ask a debt-collection agency to collect the payment on our behalf. If we do, you will have to pay us an extra amount by way of compensation to us for breaking the terms of this agreement. This will not be more than the reasonable costs we have to pay the agency, who will add the amount to your debt on our behalf (this will depend on the amount you owe us). Any extra amount added to your bill will not be subject to VAT. This paragraph applies even if your agreement with us has ended or 21 days if you pay monthly.
  10. By agreeing to take service from BT you also agree to allow us to share your payment history data with BT with credit reference agencies. If we choose to do so we will share your personal data under contract and in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998 with recognised and reputable credit reference agencies such as, for example, Experian and/or Equifax.
  11. If you have agreed that we should not send you a paper bill, we will tell you by email when your bill is available to view on-line. Not all of our services are available with paper-free billing.

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Our rights when we provide the service

  1. We may monitor and record calls relating to customer services and telemarketing. We do this for training purposes and to improve the quality of our customer services. We also record all calls to the 999 or 112 emergency services.
  2. Occasionally, we may have to:
    1. interrupt the service. If we do so, we will restore it as quickly as we can
    2. change your area code or phone number, or access numbers or
    3. make minor changes to certain technical specifications, this may include (but is not limited to) limits for transferring information which are associated with the service and the technology we use to provide the service to you.

Our Responsibility to you when we provide the service

  1. We accept responsibility if you are injured or die as a result of our negligence. We will not limit this responsibility.
  2. We also accept responsibility for loss or damage to your physical property arising from our negligence. We will pay up to £1 million in any 12-month period for this loss or damage.
  3. Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee that the service or the equipment we provide will never be faulty. Our liability for faults in the services or equipment we provide is detailed in the relevant service terms. If you experience repeated continuous or intermittent faults with our services, or we agree that the standard of service you receive is consistently below what you might reasonably expect, we may, following an individual assessment, allow you to end your contract for the affected service without penalty.
  4. Unless the service terms say otherwise, we have no responsibility to pay you compensation for financial loss, for any information which is lost or corrupted, or for any loss that could not have been reasonably expected. We will not be liable to you for any losses that you may suffer if you have used the service or equipment we provide for business purposes.
  5. Except as described in paragraphs 42 and 43, we will not pay you more than £10,000 in compensation (even if we have been negligent) in any 12-month period unless the service terms say otherwise.
  6. Nothing in paragraphs 42 to 46 affects your statutory rights relating to equipment which is faulty or has been described wrongly.
  7. If any paragraph that limits our responsibility to you is disallowed or is not effective, the other paragraphs will continue to apply.

Matters beyond our reasonable control

  1. Sometimes we may not be able to do what we have agreed because of something beyond our reasonable control, which may include: lightning, flood, severe weather, fire, explosion, terrorist activities, anything done by Government or other competent authority, or industrial disputes. In these cases, we do not accept responsibility for not providing you with your chosen services.

If you break the agreement

  1. For serious misuse as described in paragraphs 13, 17 and 18 we may suspend the service – either in part or fully, or end the agreement for the service immediately. Otherwise we will normally give you an opportunity to put matters right within a reasonable time if you break the agreement.
  2. However, if you do not do so, we may suspend or end the agreement for the service. We may also suspend or restrict the service or end the agreement for the service if you break any other agreement you have with us and do not put matters right within a reasonable time. If we suspend the service or end the agreement for the service, we will tell you what needs to be done before we can restore the service.
  3. Sometimes we may choose to ignore it if you break one of our terms and conditions, or we may choose not to enforce a particular term. But even if we do this, we can still choose to enforce that term or take action because you break that or any other term in the future.

Sorting out complaints

  1. From time to time you may need to contact us to sort out a problem that you're having with us. Our Customer Complaints Code sets out how you can contact us and the process for dealing with any complaint or dispute you may have. You can see a copy of the code online at Alternatively, you can ask us to send a copy of the code to you. We will try our best to work through any complaint or dispute that you may have with us. However, if we cannot do this, you may be able to refer the matter to a dispute resolution service and get an independent view. Details of how and when to refer a dispute, are set out in our Customer Complaints Code.

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Changing the price, the charges and the terms of this agreement

  1. Sometimes we will need to change the price, or other charges, or terms and conditions for a service (which can include amending these Residential Standard Terms or any applicable service terms). Paragraph 54 and 55 below set out when we can do this. Paragraphs 56, 57 and 58 set out the notice that we must give you, and paragraph 59 sets out your rights to cancel a service where the terms and conditions for that service are changed in a way that causes you material disadvantage without paying any charges for leaving before the end of your minimum term.
  2. We may change the price, or other charges (including introducing a new price or charge), or the terms and conditions for any of the following reasons:
    1. If we materially change, or add to the service you receive (for example, if we increase the maximum up-load speed for your broadband service, or add new types of calls to your inclusive calling plan)
    2. We introduce new products, or services which we wish to make a charge for (for example, we launch a new calling feature)
    3. We wish to change the way we structure our products and services and the price we charge for those
    4. The cost to us of providing your products or services increases (for example, the businesses we buy services or products from increase their prices so that it costs us more to buy them)
    5. We add features or benefits to your products or services, or introduce new features or benefits (for example, if we add new TV channels to your BT TV pack)
    6. We add to, or change the way we provide products and services to you (for example, we introduce new ways to receive BT TV content)
    7. The cost to us of running our business increases
    8. We reorganise the way in which we structure, or run our business which results in additional costs to us
    9. To reflect changes or developments in technology (for example, the way we provide the service to you may develop over time, or new ways to pay for our service may be introduced, or we may develop and introduce new systems which provide you with a better service)
    10. As a consequence of any change in the law, regulation or regulatory guidance applicable to us (for example, if there is a VAT increase)
    11. To make the terms and conditions clearer or easier to understand
    12. To change the terms and conditions in a way that does not cause you any material disadvantage.
  3. Because we do not provide our services for a fixed duration and because we cannot always predict what the future may hold we may need to make other changes in circumstances other than those set out at paragraph 54 above. We may therefore change the price, the charges and the terms and conditions for any other reason. But if we decide to do so we will give you notice in accordance with paragraph 57 and we will give you the opportunity to leave a service where the terms and conditions for that service have been varied under this paragraph without paying any early termination charges.
  4. If we change the price, the charges, or the terms and conditions as set out in paragraph 54, we will tell you at least 30 days in advance of the changes happening, except where the change is for legal or regulatory reasons as set out in paragraph 54(J) or it is a change that does not cause you any material disadvantage.
    1. If we make a change for legal or regulatory reasons, we do not need to tell you about it 30 days before it happens if, because of the nature of the reason for the change, it is not possible or practicable to give you such notice. If this happens, we will tell you as soon as we can, either before or after we make the change.
    2. If we make a change that is not to your material disadvantage we do not need to tell you about it 30 days before it happens but we will always tell you about it in writing, either before or shortly after we make the change.
  5. Where we vary the service under paragraph 55 above we will give you 30 days' notice of the variation.
  6. Any notice under paragraph 56 or 57 above will be in writing. This can include letter, email, with your bill or by any other written method or, in the case of any change that is not to your material disadvantage, by publishing it on our website. Other than a change that is not to your material disadvantage we will always make sure that the variation is drawn to your attention prominently.
  7. If we change the price, charges or terms and conditions for a service you may end that service by giving us notice under paragraph 24. If you do so then except for any variation made under paragraph 54(J) (a variation for legal or regulatory reasons), if any change that we make to that service under either paragraph 54 or paragraph 55 is to your material disadvantage, then you will have 30 days' from the date we tell you about the change to contact us directly to tell us you want to cancel your contract. If you do so and then cancel your contract for the service then:
    1. you won't have to pay any increased price or charge for your service during the notice period, and if you have already paid the higher price or charge we will refund the difference to you in your next or final bill
    2. if the service is in a minimum term you may end your service without paying any early termination charge
    3. you won't have to pay any cease charges for ending that service or any deferred prices for any equipment that would otherwise become payable for ending that service
    4. we will also end any other service that you take from BT which cannot be provided without the service you've chosen to end. Paragraphs 59 (b) and (c) above will then apply and you won't have to pay early termination charges, cease charges or deferred prices for any equipment.

Other things we need to tell you

  1. You accept that the agreement for the service is personal to you and agree not to transfer it to anyone else, or to try to do so. However, we may take instructions from a person who we think, with good reason, is acting with your permission. We can transfer the agreement for the service to another company provided this does not adversely affect your rights under the agreement.
  2. When we need to contact you, we will use your billing address, e-mail address, mobile or fixed phone number. If you need to contact us, please use the address on your last bill or any other postal address, e-mail address or phone number we have given to you for that purpose.
  3. You accept that when you order goods and services from us we may make enquiries about you for credit reference purposes. These enquires include searching your records held by Experian / Equifax or any other credit reference agency and checking any details held on you by the Interactive Media in Retail Group (IMRG) Security Alert or any other fraud prevention scheme. At all times where your information is disclosed to us we will protect it and keep it secure in accordance with our privacy policy, which can be viewed online at Data we hold about you may also be used for fraud prevention purposes and this may include sharing your personal data in confidence with third party companies, including other communication companies.
  4. No third party is entitled to enforce any term under this agreement under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999.

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Supporters Club Terms

The Supporters Club Terms and Conditions for Text Donate

  1. By texting the word "Join" together with your BT landline home phone number to 82010, the BT account holder is agreeing to set up a £1, £3 or £5 monthly direct debit donation, without Gift Aid to The Supporters Club, on their account. We reserve the right to verify the eligibility and identity of BT account holders who participate in Text Donate.
  2. BT will not set up Text Donate if your BT account cannot be found via the BT landline number provided or if your account is closed or not eligible.
  3. The Supporters Club Terms & Conditions for donations paid through your BT Bill can be found below.
  4. Standard network rates apply per text and will vary depending on your mobile provider's network rates.
  5. You will receive a text in reply confirming we have received your message (you will not be charged for this text).
  6. Once your Text Donate has been set up you will receive an email confirmation and this will appear on your monthly bill. Your monthly donation is non-refundable.
  7. The Supporters Club fund is managed by Comic Relief, registered charity 326568 (England & Wales), SC039730 (Scotland).

The Supporters Club Terms & Conditions for Donations Paid Through Your BT Bill

About The Supporters Club

  1. The Supporters Club Fund is a restricted fund within Comic Relief, registered charity number 326568 (England/Wales), SC039730 (Scotland) Hanover House, 14 Hanover Square, London W1S 1HP (registered number 1806414), and is managed by Comic Relief. The Supporters Club is managed by British Telecommunications plc, registered office 81 Newgate Street, London EC1A 7AJ (registered number 1800000) ("BT"), in conjunction with Comic Relief Limited. These terms of service describe the service that BT provides which allows you to make donations to The Supporters Club within Comic Relief through your BT bill.
  2. BT is authorised to collect donations and to reclaim Gift Aid on behalf of Comic Relief under the UK government's Gift Aid scheme.

How to pay

  1. You may choose to donate recurring monthly amounts of £1, £3 or £5 to The Supporters Club Fund.
  2. Your monthly donation will appear on your bill. The billing and payment terms that apply to your other BT services also apply to your monthly donation. Your monthly donation is non-refundable.
  3. You must be a BT customer in order to donate to The Supporters Club Fund through your BT bill. Your monthly donation will cease if you or we cancel your BT services.

Use of your donation

  1. BT is not responsible for any dissatisfaction you may have regarding Comic Relief's use of any donation you may make through The Supporters Club.

The Supporters Club fees

  1. Neither The Supporters Club, nor Comic Relief charge any fees for using this service.

Termination of donations

  1. You may change or cancel your monthly donation to The Supporters Club at any time by contacting BT. The change or cancellation may not be reflected straight away on your next available BT bill but any change or cancellation will be backdated to take effect from the date we received your instruction. These terms of service will continue to apply to past use by you.
  2. BT reserves the right to cancel your monthly donation at any time without notice.


  1. BT reserves the right to suspend or discontinue The Supporters Club and cease your donations at any time with or without notice.
  2. BT's commitment to match every £1 you donate may be withdrawn at any time without notice.

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Contact details

  1. You agree to notify BT if your name or address changes.
  2. If you need to contact BT, please use the address on your last bill or any other postal address, e-mail address or phone number we have given to you for that purpose. If we need to contact you we will use your billing address, e-mail address, mobile or fixed phone number.

Gift Aid information

  1. When you donate to The Supporters Club and confirm that you are a UK taxpayer in accordance with the requirements of the Gift Aid scheme as they apply from time to time, BT reclaims Gift Aid under the Gift Aid scheme. To qualify for Gift Aid you must pay an amount of UK Income and/or Capital Gains Tax that is at least equal to the tax that BT (and all other charities and Community Amateur Sports Clubs that you donate to) will reclaim on your donations in that tax year. Council Tax and VAT do not count for Gift Aid purposes. If your circumstances change and you no longer pay sufficient tax, or your name or address changes, you should notify BT.
  2. BT is not an accounting, taxation or financial advisor, and you should not rely on information given on The Supporters Club website to determine the accounting, tax or financial consequences of making a donation to The Supporters Club. We strongly recommend that you consult your own adviser(s) about any accounting, taxation or financial consequences that may affect you.

Use of your personal information

  1. The personal information which we ask you to give us when making your donation will be used by us in connection with processing your payment. Any personal information given to BT to enable BT to reclaim Gift Aid will be passed to HM Revenue and Customs for this purpose.


  1. All trademarks, service marks or logos that appear on The Supporters Club, Comic Relief or BT's website, in particular (but not exclusively) those of member charities, are the property of their respective owners and are likely to be registered trademarks and subject to restrictions as to their use. They must not be used without the express permission of both BT and the trade mark owner.


  1. All content on The Supporters Club website is owned by BT, Comic Relief or other original providers, and is protected by the applicable intellectual property and proprietary rights and laws. No use of the website's content is permitted without the express prior permission of BT, and, where applicable, the copyright holder.

Failure to comply with these terms

  1. In the event that you commit a breach of these terms of service BT reserves the right at its sole discretion to immediately and without notice suspend or permanently deny your donations.

Limitation of Liability

  1. BT does not, and nothing in these terms shall act to, exclude or limit BT's liability for death or personal injury resulting from its negligence, fraud or any other liability which may not by applicable law be excluded or limited. Subject to exceptions listed above, in no event shall BT be liable for any claims, loss or damage, whether direct or consequential which you claim to have suffered by reason of your donations or access to The Supporters Club website.

Changes to The Supporters Club website and these terms of service

  1. BT may change the format and content of The Supporters Club website and these terms of service from time to time. You should refresh your browser each time you visit The Supporters Club website to ensure that you download the most up to date version of the website, including the latest version of these terms of service.

Governing law

  1. These terms of service are governed by English law and are subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts.

Third party rights

  1. A person who is not a party to these terms of service has no right under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 to enforce any term of these terms of service.

Use of The Supporters Club website

  1. The Supporters Club is not responsible for the content others post on its pages within The Supporters Club website, but if you see something you feel is offensive or inappropriate, please let us know.

Terms and Conditions for The Supporters Club Social Media Campaign on 25-28 October 2013

  1. BT will donate £1 to the Supporters Club for every tweet and/or re-tweet of '#thesupportersclub' from 06:00 pm on Friday 25th October to 06:00 am on Monday 28th October, up to £100,000.
  2. The Supporters Club fund is managed by Comic Relief, registered charity, No. 326568 (England/Wales), SC039730 (Scotland).

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Value Added Service Terms

  1. BT Home IT Call
  2. BT Home IT Call Virus and Malware Support
  3. BT Tech Experts
  4. BT Cloud
  5. BT Yahoo! Mail & BT Yahoo! Premium Mail
  6. BT Virus Protect
  7. BT Web Protect
  8. TV Aerial Installation
  9. Data Cabling Installation
  10. BT Wi-fi
  11. BT Broadband Installation

BT Home IT Call service terms (not available for new supply)

What we provide

  1. The service we agree to give you is:
    1. a telephone based help facility giving you dedicated expertise to answer queries or problems you may have with your hardware, operating systems and applications
    2. a remote diagnostics facility to solve problems with any PCs that you have registered with us
    3. a single point of contact for reporting faults and
    4. a remote 30 minute computer health check where you have chosen a twelve month subscription only
    5. any other facilities as described at

To register your PCs for the service you will need to provide us with details of the PCs you wish to have covered by the service.

  1. The service is available from 8am to 11pm every day.
  2. Unless you take the pay as you go service detailed in paragraph 4 below, the service is available continuously and will be charged on a rolling monthly subscription. You may be required to take the service for a minimum period. If so, you must keep the service for that minimum period and thereafter it will continue unless you tell us to stop the service.
  3. The pay as you go option provides some or all the services described in paragraph 1 depending on the problem that requires solving but instead of a monthly subscription you will be charged a one off charge for each call made. You will not be charged if we have not solved your problem.
  4. You will need a BT provided telephone line in order to receive the service.
  5. The service is only intended for use with registered PCs.
  6. We may ask you to give us access to your registered PCs using our remote access facility to enable us to diagnose your computing problem. We will ask you to grant us access on a session by session basis.
  7. You are responsible for taking appropriate steps to maintain and safeguard your IT system through, amongst other things, regular data back-up, running current virus software and adopting other appropriate security or maintenance procedures.

Things you need to know

  1. The subscription based service is subject to a Fair Usage policy (this is set out in We will raise additional charges if we believe that you are using the service excessively without good reason or because you are failing to comply with paragraph 8.
  2. The charge for each pay as you go session is as agreed based on the type of support you will need.

Ending the agreement

  1. You may end your agreement by giving us 14 days' notice. If your service has a minimum period and you end it early you will have to pay the rental charges for the remainder of the minimum period.

Our responsibility to you

  1. Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee that we will be able to solve all problems reported by you or that we will be able to advise on all service related issues.
  2. We are not responsible for:
    1. any failures in the supported applications and operating systems that cannot be resolved using the service
    2. repair or replacement of any equipment that we diagnose as faulty during the service or
    3. any consequences of your failure to correctly follow our advice and recommendations.

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BT Home IT Call Virus and Malware service terms (not available for new supply)

What we provide

  1. The service we agree to give you is:
    1. a telephone based help facility giving you dedicated expertise to help you resolve problems related to Virus or Malware that may have infected you PC
    2. a remote diagnostics facility to solve problems with any PCs that you have registered with us
    3. a single point of contact for reporting faults and
    4. a remote 30 minute computer health check where you have chosen a twelve month subscription only

To register your PCs for the service you will need to provide us with details of the PCs you wish to have covered by the service.

  1. The service is available from 8am to 11pm every day.
  2. The service is available continuously and will be charged on a rolling monthly subscription. You may be required to take the service for a minimum period. If so, you must keep the service for that minimum period and thereafter it will continue unless you tell us to stop the service.
  3. You will need a BT provided telephone line in order to receive the service.
  4. The service is only intended for use with registered PCs.
  5. We may ask you to give us access to your registered PCs using our remote access facility to enable us to diagnose your computing problem. We will ask you to grant us access on a session by session basis.
  6. You are responsible for taking appropriate steps to maintain and safeguard your IT system through, amongst other things, regular data back-up, running current virus software and adopting other appropriate security or maintenance procedures.

Ending the agreement

  1. You may end your agreement by giving us 14 days' notice. If your service has a minimum period and you end it early you will have to pay the rental charges for the remainder of the minimum period.

Our responsibility to you

  1. Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee that we will be able to solve all problems reported by you or that we will be able to advise on all service related issues.
  2. We are not responsible for:
    1. any failures in the supported applications and operating systems that cannot be resolved using the service
    2. repair or replacement of any equipment that we diagnose as faulty during the service or
    3. any consequences of your failure to correctly follow our advice and recommendations.

BT Tech Experts service terms

What we provide

  1. The service we agree to give you is:
    1. a telephone based help facility giving you dedicated expertise to answer queries or problems you may have with your hardware, operating systems and applications
    2. a remote diagnostics facility to solve problems with any PCs that you have registered with us
    3. a remote 30 minute computer health check where you have chosen a subscription product only
    4. any other facilities as described at

To register your PCs and devices for the service you will need to provide us with details of those you wish to have covered by the service.

  1. The service is available from 8am to 11pm every day.
  2. Unless you take the pay as you go service detailed in paragraph 4 below, the service is available continuously and will be charged on a rolling monthly subscription. You may be required to take the service for a minimum period. If so, you must keep the service for that minimum period and thereafter it will continue unless you tell us to stop the service by giving us 14 days' notice.
  3. The pay as you go option provides some or all the services described in paragraph 1 depending on the problem that requires solving but instead of a monthly subscription you will be charged a one off charge for each call made. You will not be charged if we have not solved your problem.
  4. You will need a BT provided telephone line in order to receive the service.
  5. The service is only intended for use with registered PCs and other registered devices.
  6. We may ask you to give us access to your registered PCs using our remote access facility to enable us to diagnose your computing problem. We will ask you to grant us access on a session by session basis.
  7. You are responsible for taking appropriate steps to maintain and safeguard your IT system through, amongst other things, regular data back-up, running current virus software and adopting other appropriate security or maintenance procedures and avoid actions which may harm your computer. If we have evidence that you have not taken appropriate steps and suffer repeated virus attacks, we reserve the right to charge you a one off fee equivalent to a pay as you go charge on top of your subscription.

When the service starts

  1. This agreement will start when we have accepted your order.

Things you need to know

  1. The subscription based service is subject to a reasonable use policy (this is set out in
  2. The charge for each pay as you go session is as agreed based on the type of support you will need.

Ending the agreement

  1. You may end your agreement by giving us 14 days' notice. If you have taken a subscription with a minimum period and you wish to end it before the end of that minimum period you will be subject to early termination charges for that service.

Our responsibility to you

  1. Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee that we will be able to solve all problems reported by you or that we will be able to advise on all service related issues.
  2. We are not responsible for:
    1. any failures in the supported applications and operating systems that cannot be resolved using the service
    2. repair or replacement of any equipment that we diagnose as faulty during the service
    3. any software or hardware failures caused by pre-existing errors within your Operating System
    4. any consequences of your failure to correctly follow our advice and recommendations or
    5. any losses in personal data which may occur during the re-installation process of the Operating System, as the regular back up of personal data is each End User's responsibility.

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BT Cloud Service terms

What we provide

  1. The service we agree to give you is:
    1. an on-line storage service consisting of automatic synchronised back-up for desktop computers (software) or mobile devices (free application), or upload facility for mobile devices (free application) or via a remote access webpage.
    2. the ability to stream content from your BT Cloud to any of your BT Cloud connected devices (app/software) or via the remote access webpage (connection dependent).
    3. the ability to share content (but not audio only content) from your BT Cloud privately via weblinks or publically via social media.
    4. a technical support helpdesk for reporting faults, responding to queries about the service and for resolving problems and
    5. any other facilities as described at
  1. The helpdesk service is available from 09.00 to 21.00 Mon-Fri and 09.00 to 18.00 Sat-Sun.

When the service starts

  1. Your access to BT Cloud will start at the point of Broadband service activation. Customers must register for the service prior to use at Customers who have activated their BT Cloud and then cease their Broadband order prior to its completion will have 30 days to retrieve any data.

Your use of the Service

  1. Use of the software and mobile application is at your own risk and in accordance with the End User Licence Agreement. Use of the software is subject to any applicable laws. We have no responsibility for any goods, services, information, software, or other materials you obtain when using the software.
  2. You may not use the service to share content which is copyright protected. You must only use the service to store copyright protected content in accordance with the rights that you have under which ever end user license agreement you bought the content.
  3. If we are notified by a copyright holder that you are infringing their copyright, or you are found to be illegally sharing content we will end your agreement for the BT Cloud service.
  4. When sharing data you agree that you are responsible for the sharing of the data and accept that your contacts may forward this data to others.

Things you need to know

  1. Depending on which service you choose the amount of data you may store is limited to specified amounts. Details of these limits are set out at
  2. When using the back-up service you must ensure that the software we have provided is running and the device is connected to the internet, mobile applications will run back-up if the application is open – either in the foreground or the background.
  3. Mobile applications are set with a default that back-up only occurs over Wi-fi connection to prevent data charges being incurred. Customers can opt to change this setting and by doing so accept responsibility for any charges.
  4. You are responsible for ensuring that you log off from the remote access service when you have finished using it to prevent others seeing your data.
  5. You are responsible for taking appropriate steps to maintain and safeguard your device by amongst other things, regularly backing up your data, running up to date virus software and adopting other appropriate security or maintenance procedures. We are responsible to you if our software can be shown to have caused damage to your PC or device (or software already installed on your PC or device) but we shall only be liable to you for this type of damage as set out in paragraph 43 of the Residential Standard Terms.
  6. When you back up your data to the BT Cloud, the BT Cloud will mirror exactly what you have selected as back-up from the device or computer you are working from. So for example if you delete data from your device it will be moved to trash in your BT Cloud.
  7. If you have a problem with the service we may ask you to give us access to your service account to enable us to diagnose the problem. We will ask you to grant us access on a session by session basis.

Changes we may make

  1. We may occasionally upgrade and/or make improvements to your service. If we do this we will give you prior notice of the change and provide you with instructions that you need to follow when a change has taken place.
  2. BT reserves the right to amend or withdraw the allowance and pricing on any BT Cloud product, including inclusive allowances, at any time. If we do this we will let you know in advance of any change. If you disagree with the change you can end your agreement by giving us 30 days' notice. You won't be charged any early termination charges for this.

Ending the agreement

  1. You may end your agreement by giving us 30 days' notice.
  2. After the service has ceased you have 30 days left to retrieve that data in the BT Cloud before it will be destroyed.
  3. If you have chosen to downgrade the service you have 30 days left to retrieve your data. During this time you will have read only access to your data whereby you can access, view and download it. You will not be able to upload new data or run back-ups. After the 30 days all data in your old account will be deleted and you can then proceed to upload new data to your new your account.
  4. If you wish to take the free service you must sign in to that service within 90 days of registration. If you fail to do this or you allow more than 90 days to elapse after any occasion on which you have signed-in, your service agreement may be ended. We will always warn you before ending your service agreement. We will then give you 90 days from the date at which your service agreement was ended to retrieve any data that you have stored. After 90 days has elapsed we may delete your remaining stored data. This does not apply to BT Cloud customers paying for additional storage.

Our responsibility to you

  1. Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee that we will be able to solve all problems reported by you or that we will be able to advise on all service related issues.
  2. We are not responsible for:
    1. any failures in the supported applications and operating systems that cannot be resolved using the service
    2. repair or replacement of any equipment that we diagnose as faulty during the service or
    3. any consequences of your failure to correctly follow our advice and recommendations
    4. data deleted from the cloud when synchronising to a device where the data has been deleted and
    5. retrieving data from the Trash.

Copyright infringement and take down

  1. If you are a copyright holder who believes that any of the content being shared or streamed using BT Cloud are infringing copies of your work, please let us know. A notice of alleged copyright infringement should be sent to BT's designated copyright agent at the following address:
    Attn: Group General Counsel, BT Centre, 81 Newgate Street, London, EC1A 7AJ.
  2. A notification of claimed copyright infringement must be addressed to BT's copyright agent listed above and include the following:
    1. A physical or electronic signature of the owner (or person authorized to act on behalf of the owner) of the copyright that is allegedly infringed
    2. Specific identification of each copyrighted work claimed to have been infringed
    3. A description of where the material believed to be infringed is located on BT Cloud Service or the BT Cloud Websites (please be as detailed as possible and provide a URL to help us locate the material you are reporting)
    4. Contact information for the complaining party, such as a complete name, address, telephone number, and email address
    5. A statement that the complaining party has a good faith belief that use of the work(s) in the manner complained of is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law and
    6. A statement that the information in the notification is accurate, and under penalty of perjury, that the complaining party is authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed.

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BT Mail & BT Premium Mail Terms

These terms apply to:

All users of BT's email service whether you have chosen to take BT Mail as part of your BT Broadband / Infinity ("Broadband") package, you pay for the BT Premium Mail service ("Premium Mail"), or the email address has been given to you by the account holder for either of these services for your use. In these terms "we" means BT and "you" means the account holder or individual email address owner as appropriate.

In addition, if your BT Mail service is delivered by Yahoo! you also agree to abide by the Yahoo! additional terms of service which you can read at:

By signing up to and using the BT Mail (on Yahoo!) service you acknowledge that you have read, understood and agreed to these Yahoo! additional terms of service.

What we provide

  1. The Service we agree to give to the account holder is a subscription to an e-mail account allowing you to create up to 11 email addresses for use by you or by your family or friends.
  2. Helpdesk services and other email related facilities as described at:
    1. for Broadband users
    2. for Premium Mail users.
  1. You may have only one subscription to either the BT Mail or Premium Mail service.
  2. We reserve the right not to provide the Service where you have previously had any BT service ceased due to a bad debt record or if your account has been ceased for previously misusing this or any other BT service.

When the service starts

  1. Your Service will begin on the day your email address is created. If you don't already have a BT ID then you will need to create one as part of the email registration process.
  2. If your email address has been set up for you by the account holder, your Service will begin when you have provided the relevant personal information, created your own BT ID and set up your own password to enable you to use the email address securely. From this point you become fully responsible for your own email address and you are required to comply with these BT Mail terms.
  3. If you subscribe to Premium Mail, a one month minimum contract period applies. If you end Premium Mail within the first month, we will not refund any part of the first months' subscription charge that you paid for Premium Mail.

Quality of Service

  1. We aim to provide a continuous, high-quality service. From time to time faults in the Service may occur. We will repair these faults as soon as we can.
  2. If there is a fault with your Service, or if you need help or forget a password, you may visit where help for some of the more common problems can be found. If you need to contact BT you may also do so using that website.

Making sure the service is secure

  1. You must ensure that your usernames and passwords are kept confidential, secure and are used in accordance with any relevant instructions we may give you.
  2. If we think there has been a breach of security that may result in your Service being misused, we may restrict access to the Service, ask you to change your passwords or suspend the username and password access to your email address.
  3. Where we take action as described in paragraph 11, we will restore your service when we are satisfied that appropriate steps have been taken to re-set the account and the service is no longer at risk. If after 150 days you have not re-set your email address it will be deleted and we reserve the right to take any of the actions detailed in paragraph 51 below.
  4. If you think that any username or password has become known by someone not authorised to use it, or if any password is being or is likely to be used in an unauthorised way, you must inform us immediately.
  5. If any of the information you give to us when you sign up for the Service changes, including any changes to your payment details, you must inform us immediately.

Email Address Management

  1. When you set up an additional email address and you choose the option 'for your own use', you will be able to access all own use email addresses when you log in using your BT ID.
  2. You may also create email addresses for friends and family when you choose the option to 'gift' the email address. The person to whom you gift the email address should link the email address to their own BT ID. Email addresses that you have gifted will not be associated to your BT ID and you will not have access to them.
  3. An email address can be deleted by the holder of that email address or the account holder at any time.
  4. Deleted email addresses will remain in a suspended state for 60 days post deletion. During this period they can be reactivated by the account holder only. The account holder will not be able to access the data held in another user's email address.
  5. If you are the account holder and one of the email addresses associated with your e-mail account has been deleted, you will not be able to create another email address until the 60 days have expired. If all of the e-mail addresses associated with an account are in use, the account holder will not be able to create a new e-mail address until 60 days after one or more of the existing e-mail addresses have been deleted.
  6. If you have been given an email address by the account holder of a Broadband service you may move to Premium Mail at any time. Additionally, if your email address has been deleted by the account holder, you can move to Premium Mail no later than 60 days after the deletion. If you move to Premium Mail, your email address and the associated BT ID will be transferred and form part of the new Premium Mail service.
  7. If you have been given an email address by the Premium Mail account holder you will not be able to move that e-mail address to a Premium Mail service that you take out in your own right.
  8. If your email address is deleted and not moved to Premium Mail within 60 days of deletion, we reserve the right to take any of the actions described in paragraph 53 below.
  9. Where we have done this it will not be possible to recover your email address and any personal information associated with the email address will be deleted.
  10. We cannot transfer the ownership of an individual email address to another person.
  11. You can move an email address to another email account provided BT and the gaining account holder agrees to the move. Any email address moved and the BT ID associated with it will remain the responsibility of the email address user.
  12. It will not be possible to move any email address if:
    1. the email address is compromised or has been suspended for misuse
    2. the email address is suspended or ceased for bad debt.

Using the service

  1. BT Mail and Premium Mail must not be used wholly for business purposes.
  2. Premium Mail is provided for use primarily in the UK. We provide the ability to use our services outside of the UK, but you must not use them solely for this purpose (that is, our service is not intended nor designed for permanent or near permanent use outside of the UK).
  3. In using Premium Mail you agree that you either permanently live, or your normal place of residence is, in the UK. If this changes at any point in the future you must inform BT and stop using the service.
  4. To protect our unlimited storage facility and to prevent misuse of the Service, we will monitor accounts for excessive usage and may limit the volumes and size of email messages allowed from an email address within a given period of time. We may also end your email address and any associated email services without further notice if we suspect misuse.
  5. You must not:
    1. send email messages to anyone who has requested that you do not send e-mail messages to them
    2. send unsolicited bulk email messages or any other form of abusive electronic communication. In particular, unsolicited advertising mailings, promotional materials, "junk mail," "spam," "chain letters," "pyramid schemes," or any other form of solicitation are strictly prohibited
    3. operate, host, provide hosting facilities to, or assist in any way, any web site, email address, or any other online service which is advertised or promoted by means of unsolicited bulk email messages, any mass messaging facility or any other form of abusive electronic communication
    4. send, distribute, or reply to mail-bombs. Mail-bombing is either sending copies of a single email message to many users, or sending large or multiple files or email messages to a single user with or without the intention of disrupting their Service
    5. use false email message headers or alter the headers of email messages to conceal the email address or to prevent other users from responding to email messages. You must not use any email address that you are not authorised to use
    6. suggest or imply that any email message you send is from, authorised or endorsed by BT Plc and you must not impersonate any person or entity, or falsely state or otherwise misrepresent your affiliation with a person or entity or
    7. send an email message (including data or attachments) that you do not have a right to transmit under any law.
  1. The BT Mail service uses automated scanning of your email messages to enable spam and malware detection and to enable delivery of enhanced product features (such as applications to handle large file send) that you may find useful. The information gathered during this analysis is not used for interest matched advertising.
  2. We will move any suspected spam to a separate folder in your email address where you can inspect it to ensure that non-spam email messages haven't been inadvertently identified as spam.
  3. In order to retain the free BT Mail service, you and all users of e-mail addresses linked to your BT Broadband account must ensure you and they use the email addresses regularly.
  4. You understand and agree that the Service will include advertisements and that these advertisements are necessary for BT to provide the Services.
  5. Any data we hold about you and any information about you which is disclosed to us will be protected and kept secure in accordance with our privacy policy, which can be viewed online at
  6. If you are using a BT Mail email address that is linked to a Broadband service it will remain working as long as you continue to log in and use it.
  7. If you do not use your email address for 90 days we will suspend it without notice. For 60 days post suspension, you may reactivate it at If you do not reactivate your email address within this time, we will then delete your email address and end any associated services without further notice.
  8. Where your email address has been deleted in any of the circumstances described in paragraphs 18, 20, 29, 30 and 31, we reserve the right to take the actions described in paragraph 53.

Changes we may make

  1. Occasionally, we may have to interrupt the Service. If we do so, we will restore it as quickly as we can. We may make minor changes to certain technical specifications, including limits for transferring information which are associated with the service. We may also add or remove product features. If we remove features and you reasonably consider that this is to your material disadvantage you will have the right the end this agreement without incurring any early termination charges.

Paying for the Service

  1. Where the Service is not included as part of your Broadband package you must pay for the Premium Mail service by direct debit only set up from a UK bank account.
  2. The monthly rental charge for Premium Mail is payable in advance.
  3. There will be no paper bill issued. Monthly e-Bills will be available online by logging into MyBT.
  4. If you do not pay the charges for Premium Mail we reserve the right to end your Service without notice.
  5. If you or we end your Premium Mail service we reserve the right to take the actions described in paragraph 51.

Ending your agreement

  1. You may end your Premium Mail by contacting us using the means stated at You are required to give 30 days' notice.
  2. If you are using any email related services, applications or features which are free of charge, these will end on the day your agreement with us ends.
  3. When you end your Premium Mail you are responsible for ensuring that any additional email address users you have set up are notified.
  4. When Premium Mail ends, any additional email addresses linked to the Service will remain accessible for a period of 28 days, after which we reserve the right to take the actions described in paragraph 53.
  5. If you end your Broadband service, any email address linked to the service will remain accessible for 30 days following which it will be suspended and deleted 7 days later.
  6. If you end your Broadband service you may retain any email address if you move to the Premium Mail service at any time before the email address is deleted as set out in paragraph 50 above.
  7. If you end your Broadband service and do not move to Premium Mail, all email functionality provided to you as part of the service will be end as set out in paragraph 50 above.
  8. When any of your e-mail addresses are deleted – for whatever reason – we will take the following actions:
    1. all emails and personal information held within your email address and the associated services will be ceased and will not be recoverable
    2. all emails sent to your email address will be rejected and a notice will be sent to the sender telling them that your email address is invalid and
    3. all email functionality provided to you as part of the service will be ended.

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BT Virus Protect service terms

This Agreement

  1. This Agreement is for the BT Virus Protect service. It is made up of the Residential Standard Terms (as applicable), these BT Virus Protect terms, the BT End User Licence Agreement (BT EULA) and the McAfee Intel Security End User Licence Agreement (McAfee EULA).
  2. You have to agree to the BT EULA because you'll download the BT Virus Protect application onto your devices.
  3. You have to agree to McAfee EULA because the BT Virus Protect service is powered by software owned by McAfee Intel Security. The McAfee EULA is available here.
  4. By downloading and using the BT Virus Protect service you acknowledge that you have read, understood and agreed to the BT EULA and the McAfee EULA.

What we provide

  1. The service we agree to give you is a suite of security features, including anti-virus and personal firewall software. The service is delivered through the BT Virus Protect application, which you can download to supported devices (like your laptop or mobile phone).

When the service starts

  1. This agreement will start when we have accepted your order. We will then start the service by making the software available for you to download, or by providing the details required to activate the BT Virus Protect mobile application
  2. If you're a BT Broadband customer, you might receive BT Virus Protect for free for use on a limited number of connected devices (like your desktop computer and your mobile phone). We'll tell you what this limit is when you activate your service. You can also upgrade BT Virus Protect to increase the number of allowed connected devices on certain BT Broadband packages. You'll be charged for this but we'll tell you about that when you ask us to upgrade.
  3. You'll need to activate the service online at for use on desktop computers or laptops.
  4. You'll also need to visit to get your activation code for use on mobile devices. You'll then need to visit your app store and download the BT Virus Protect application onto your device.


  1. You can cancel this agreement within 14 days from the day after the day we have accepted your order but you cannot cancel this agreement once you have downloaded the software.

Quality of Service

  1. Although we attempt to provide you with the best possible service, we cannot guarantee that the service will never be faulty. However, we will correct all reported faults as soon as we reasonably can.
  2. If there is a fault with the service you should contact us. Details of how to contact us can be found in the Help section or at

Paying for the service

  1. You agree to pay the charges for the service that appears on your BT bill. The charges are payable monthly in advance.

Your use of the software

  1. Use of the software is at your own risk and in accordance with the BT EULA and McAfee EULA. Use of the software is subject to any applicable laws. We have no responsibility for any goods, services, information, software, or other materials you obtain when using the software.
  2. If you share your licences with non-BT end user we are not obliged to provide any support to them and have no responsibility for any goods, services, information, software, or other materials they obtain when using the software.

Changes we may make

  1. We may occasionally upgrade and/or make improvements to your service. If we do this we will give you prior notice of the change and provide you with instructions that you need to follow when a change has taken place.

Ending your service

  1. You may end your service on 14 days' notice to us.

BT Web Protect service terms

What we provide

  1. The service we agree to give you is a BT network based service for BT Broadband customers that helps protect devices (including PC's, laptops, tablets, iPads, mobile devices and smartphones) that connect to your home internet service via a BT hub. It also helps protect you when you access the internet from BT Wi-Fi hotspots in the UK when you log in using your BT ID.

When the service starts

  1. The service starts when you activate it via using your BT ID, unless we turn it on automatically when you buy BT Broadband from us.


  1. If you wish to cancel the service you must deactivate it via using your BT ID.

Quality of Service

  1. Although we endeavour to provide you with the best possible service, we cannot guarantee that the service will never be faulty. However, we will correct all reported faults as soon as we reasonably can.
  2. If there is a fault with the service you should contact us. Details of how to contact us can be found at

Changes we may make

  1. We may occasionally upgrade and/or make improvements to your service. If we do this we may provide you with instructions that you must follow if required.

Other things you need to know

  1. When browsing online, you will be presented with a warning page if you attempt to visit a webpage/site that is categorised as malicious by us or our suppliers.
  2. The warning page will advise that the site is malicious and advise you to browse elsewhere. You have the option to 'Continue Anyway' if cookies are enabled but you will continue to get the warning page if you visit the site again at a later point.

Our responsibility to you

  1. You acknowledge that individual websites may be categorised as malicious by our third party supplier. We are not responsible in any way for how particular websites are categorised or that any website you access which is not classified as malicious will be safe to access.

If you choose to continue to the site following the warning you understand this is at your own risk and we have no responsibility in any way for any loss you may suffer as a result of visiting these websites.

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TV Aerial Installation service terms

What we provide

  1. The service we agree to give you is a standard digital TV aerial installation service, which consists of:
    1. the supply and installation of a Freeview compatible aerial (10-52 Element)
    2. single feed to a single Vision+ box
    3. suitable wall mounting brackets
    4. suitable aerial masting (less than 3 metres in length)
    5. suitable double screened downlead cables (external/surface mounted and less than 20 metres in length) and
    6. suitable connectors (RF plugs).
  1. All digital signals are measured for quality and signal level and demonstrated to the customer before the installer leaves.

Providing the TV aerial installation service to you

  1. In order to provide the TV aerial installation service to you the following conditions apply:
    1. You must be an existing BT Vision customer or a new customer ordering BT Vision
    2. The installation property must be located on the UK mainland and Northern Ireland only
    3. The TV aerial installation service is only available for dwellings of up to two storeys high above ground level
    4. Your property must not have listed status or be in a conservation area
    5. You must be the owner of the property or have permission from the landlord or agent managing the property and have permission from any other relevant authority to have the work done
    6. The TV aerial installation service is not available for shared or communal aerials
    7. The TV aerial installation service is only available if the installer can get safe access to the required installation point for the aerial using a ladder and it is in BT's and the installer's sole discretions to decide whether there is safe access
    8. BT and the installer reserve the right to refuse to provide the TV aerial installation service at any time if any of the work is deemed unsafe and it is in BT's and the installer's sole discretions to decide whether any of the work is deemed unsafe
    9. Freeview must be available in your area and at your premises and
    10. During the installation there must be a responsible adult present in your home. Where this person is not you, it must be someone authorised by you to make decisions regarding the location and installation of equipment.

When the TV aerial installation service starts

  1. We will agree a provisional date with you for the TV aerial installation service which will be confirmed by the installer, but all dates are estimates and we cannot guarantee we will meet them.
  2. If we need to change the installation date, we or the installer will try to contact you a minimum of two working days before the scheduled installation date.
  3. If you need to change or cancel any appointment date, you must tell the installer at least two working days prior to the scheduled appointment or we may charge you a missed appointment fee. The installer can be contacted between 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday, on 0844 247 0024. We may also charge you a missed appointment fee if the installer is unable to access or is refused access to your property at the time of the scheduled appointment.


  1. You may cancel your agreement for the TV aerial installation service at any time before the installer starts work on the installation of the aerial (the TV aerial installation service start date). Once the installer starts work on the installation the TV aerial installation charge cannot be refunded and you will be liable to pay this.
  2. The TV aerial installation service is a standalone service and separate from your contract for the BT Vision Service. In the event that you or we cancel or end your BT Vision Service for any reason or if for technical reasons you cannot receive the BT Vision Service, the aerial will not be recovered and you will still be charged for the TV aerial installation service.
  3. If you cancel the TV aerial installation service that will not, except as set out in the BT Vision Service terms, entitle you to cancel or end your BT Vision Service early without paying an early termination charge. It will then be your responsibility to arrange for the installation of a suitable aerial to receive Freeview.
  4. If the TV aerial installation service cannot be provided because the installer confirms there is no Freeview signal at your premises, your order for the TV aerial installation service will be cancelled and we will not charge you for it.
  5. If the TV aerial installation service cannot be provided because you fail to meet any of the conditions in paragraph 3, that will not, except as set out in the BT Vision Service terms, entitle you to end your BT Vision Service early without paying an early termination charge.

Quality of reception

  1. We cannot guarantee the quality of reception in your area and received by the aerial we have installed. The quality of programme content provided over digital terrestrial television (DTT) platform and the number of channels, if any, that you can receive is dependent on the quality of broadcast from your local transmitter, the availability of Freeview in your area, geographic, atmospheric or other conditions or circumstances beyond our control. The installer will ensure that reception received is as good as local factors allow at the time of installation.

Paying for the TV aerial installation service

  1. You agree to pay the charge for the TV aerial installation service using the payment method that we agree with you.

Things you need to know

  1. If the installer carries out any additional work outside the scope of the TV aerial installation service being provided under this agreement with BT, that will be under a separate agreement between the installer and yourself, and BT is not responsible for this.

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BT Data Cabling Installation service terms

  1. If you select the BT Data Cabling Installation service, the service we agree to give you is:
    1. the installation of a data cable between two points in your property up to a maximum length of 90 metres
    2. the cable will be tacked against walls and skirting
    3. the cable may include external as well as internal cable
    4. termination of the cable will be in a wall mounted box.
  1. The engineer will on completion demonstrate that the service is working.
  2. This service is only offered during the installation of your Infinity service and not available as a standalone service.

BT Wi-fi Service terms (free to BT Broadband and BT Mobile Customers Only)

What we provide

  1. We agree to give BT Broadband and BT Mobile customers unlimited free access to Wi-fi hotspots provided by BT Wi-fi and BT Openzone. BT Broadband customers can also access Wi-fi hotspots using – Fon and our associated network partners.
  2. The free Wi-fi access we give can be used when you're outside the home, and for as long as you are either:
    1. a BT Broadband customer and remain opted in to the free BT Wi-fi service or
    2. a BT Mobile customer.

When the service starts

  1. For new BT Broadband customers, your free access to BT Wi-fi will start when you receive confirmation of your BT Broadband order and set up a BT ID.
  2. For existing BT Broadband customers that were not automatically opted in to the free service, it will start when you opt in via
  3. For new BT Mobile customers, your free access to BT Wi-fi will start when you activate your SIM card on a Wi-fi compatible handset.

Your use of the Service (BT Broadband customers only)

  1. Fon hotspots work by using spare bandwidth from BT Broadband customers€™ wireless hubs to provide secure Wi-fi access to other BT Wi-fi customers. By staying opted in to the service, you agree to this use of your spare bandwidth.
  2. Your use of your home private Wi-fi service is not compromised by the use of your wireless hub as a Fon hotspot and your private use of the available bandwidth is always prioritised over its use by other BT Wi-fi users.

Things you need to know (BT Broadband customers only)

  1. If you ordered BT Broadband after March 2009 or re-contracted to a BT Broadband service after December 2009 you will have been automatically opted into the free BT Wi-fi service.
  2. If you ordered BT Broadband before these dates you can still get the free service if you opt in via
  3. You may opt out of the free BT Wi-fi service at any time, but if you do this you will lose your unlimited free Wi-fi access.
  4. Opting out of the free BT Wi-fi service means that other BT Wi-fi users will no longer be able to share the spare bandwidth of your wireless hub.

Changes we may make

  1. We may occasionally upgrade and/or make improvements to your service. If we do this we will give you prior notice of the change and provide you with any instructions that you may need to follow as a result of that change.
  2. We may choose to restrict access to certain websites from particular Wi-fi hotspots. The choice of websites accessible from any Wi-fi hotspot used with the service will at all times be at BT's sole discretion.
  3. We reserve the right to amend or withdraw the service including limiting the inclusive minutes you have at any time. If we do amend or withdraw the service we will tell you in advance. If you do not agree to the amendment or withdrawal you will have the right to cancel this contract by giving us 30 days' notice. You will not be charged an early termination charge for this.
  4. We may at any time block your access to the service if we believe you are misusing the service in any way.

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BT Broadband Installation service terms

What we provide

  1. The service we agree to give you is:
    1. installing and connecting your BT Home Hub and computer to the BT Broadband service,
    2. demonstrating a working internet connection, and
    3. installing a single additional cable / socket where necessary in order to connect your BT Broadband Service.
  1. You will be responsible for reconnecting any other online equipment you may have, such as a TV set-top box, additional computers or games consoles.

Providing the Broadband installation service to you

  1. In order to provide the service your computer needs to meet the minimum requirements set out here.
  2. The installation property must be located on the UK mainland and Northern Ireland only.
  3. You must be the owner of the property or have permission from the landlord or agent managing the property and have permission from any other relevant authority to have the work done.
  4. During the installation there must be a responsible adult present in your home. Where this person is not you, it must be someone authorised by you to make decisions regarding the location and installation of equipment.

When the Broadband installation service starts

  1. We will agree a date with you for the service. If there is a delay in performing the service for reasons outside of our control then we will let you know and take steps to reduce the delay. We will not be liable to you for such delays.
  2. If we need to change the installation date, we will try to contact you a minimum of two working days before the scheduled installation date.
  3. If you need to change or cancel any appointment date, you must tell the installer at least two working days prior to the scheduled appointment or we may charge the equivalent of the installation charge. We may also charge you if the engineer is unable to access or is refused access to your property at the time of the scheduled appointment.


  1. You may cancel your agreement for the service at any time before the engineer starts work on the installation. Once the installation work has started the installation charge cannot be refunded and you will be liable to pay this.
  2. The Broadband installation service is a standalone service and separate from your contract for the BT Broadband Service.
  3. If the Broadband installation service cannot be provided because you fail to meet any of the conditions in paragraph 3 to 6 , that will not, except as set out in the BT Broadband Service terms, entitle you to end your BT Broadband Service early without paying an early termination charge.

Other things you should know

  1. If the Broadband installation service cannot be provided because you fail to meet any of the conditions in paragraph 3 to 6, you may still be charged the installation charge.
  2. If the Broadband installation service cannot be provided for reasons outside our control you will not be charged.

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