These terms and conditions were last updated on: 1 April 2018.

BT Sport terms & conditions

Please take some time to read these terms and conditions. They provide important information about the service we're providing you with. This includes how we may change the service, the agreement and the charges.

The most important parts of the terms and conditions are explained below.

Some of the words and phrases in these terms and conditions have special meanings, as set out in clause 2. Those words and terms are printed in bold wherever they have the special meanings.

Common questions and important terms

What service am I getting?

We explain the details of the service, including our charges, in your order confirmation and your My BT account at

We provide the service to you through:

When you place your order we'll agree with you which option you should choose.

How long does the service last and when does it start?

The service will last for a minimum amount of time (the minimum term), which is set out in your order confirmation. We start providing the service on the date that your:

We’ll start charging you from that date too.

There are some circumstances when you can end the service before the end of the minimum term, without having to pay a charge for ending the service early. We explain these in clause 13 of these terms and conditions.

There are other circumstances where, if you end the service before the end of the minimum term, you may have to pay us a charge. This also applies if we end the service before the end of the minimum term because you’ve broken these terms and conditions. We explain when this may happen and what you’ll pay in clause 16 and at Unless you tell us not to, we'll take the charge from the bank account or credit-card account you've given us details of.

Will my charges increase?

We may increase the charges at any time. We explain when this may happen, and the reasons why, in clauses 25 and 26. If you change the service, you'll pay the charge for the new service from the day we agree it starts.

How much notice will I get if you increase the charges?

If possible, we'll tell you before we put the charges up, and we'll give you as much notice as we reasonably can.

If the change puts you in a significantly worse position, you’ll be able to end the service without paying a fee for leaving early. We give more information in clause 20.

Will the service change?

BT Sport is a ‘variable digital content’ service. This means that the content you get may change from time to time. We can’t guarantee that BT Sport will be able to show, or keep showing, any particular content (including any channel or sporting event). We may change, replace or withdraw any of our packages, content, channels or functions (for example, if we lose the right to show certain sporting events).

The content we can show may be different on different devices. For example, the content on the BT Sport website may be different from the content available through BT TV, or through the BT Sport app. Also, the content and functions available through the BT Sport app depend on your device.

We may also change the service and the terms and conditions of the agreement at any time (even during the minimum term). We'll tell you about any changes at least 30 days' before they happen unless there are reasons why we can’t (for example, if the provider of the content doesn’t give us enough notice of them withdrawing the content). If the change puts you in a significantly worse position, you can end the service without paying a fee for leaving early. We give more information on this in clause 20.

You may also be able to change the service by contacting us.

What happens if I buy a number of services or items of equipment from you?

If we provide you with more than one service or item of equipment (for example, if you have more than one of BT Sport, BT Mobile, BT TV, BT Broadband or BT Phone), you'll have a separate agreement for each one (and possibly for different items of equipment). Make sure you read each agreement carefully. Although some of the terms are the same or very similar, each agreement has important differences.

Some of our services depend on each other. For example, you can only get BT TV if you also have BT Broadband. If we or you end or suspend one service, we may need to end or suspend another. If this happens, we’ll tell you.

Also, you may be paying less for the service if you also take another BT service. If you leave the other BT service, your charges may go up. We explain when this may happen in Paragraph 15.

More information

You can also read these terms and conditions, and our policies, at

How to contact us

Phone us on 0800 800 150. Calls are free from landlines and BT mobiles, and are charged at your provider's standard rate from other mobiles.

We may record calls (including marketing ones) to help us with training and to prevent ID fraud.


Our customer complaints code tells you how to complain. You can read it at

Terms and conditions for BT Sport

You should read these terms and conditions carefully as they contain important information. Please also read our Privacy Policy at It describes how we may use your personal information.

The basics

  1. Who we are
    We're British Telecommunications PLC of 81 Newgate Street, London, EC1A 7AJ. We’re registered in England with company number 1800000. Everyone knows us as BT.
  2. What words mean
    Some of the words and phrases in these terms and conditions have special meanings. Those words and phrases are explained below. They are printed in bold whenever they have the special meanings given below.
    agreement – the legally binding agreement between you and us for the service. The agreement starts on the day we accept your order and is made up of the following.BT ID – the username we'll give you and a password that you choose for using the service.
    channels – the channels we offer as part of the service (including the red-button channels).These may be free and can change from time to time.
    charges – the fees you pay for the service, as set out in your order confirmation, together with anything else you need to pay (for example, any installation, connection or activation fees) under the agreement.
    content – the content we provide as part of the service, including any audio-visual content such as TV programmes and films, apps, the channels and any on-demand content (whether or not it is free).
    minimum term – any initial or later period you've agreed to pay for the service for, as shown in your order confirmation.
    on-demand content – means any content we provide (whether paid for or for free) as part of the service and which you can watch when you choose.
    order confirmation – the letter or email we send you after we accept your order for the service. It confirms important things like the description of the service, the minimum term and the charges.
    package –the channels, content and features we provide to you as a package from time to time.
    red-button channels – extra channels available to you as part of your package and which you can get through BT Sport online, by pressing the red button on your TV remote control, or in any other way we offer from time to time.
    service start date – the date the service starts, which will be the date that:
    • the set-top box we provide is activated (if you are receiving the service through BT TV);
    • the viewing card or any other equipment you need to use the service is activated (if you are receiving the service through a third party’s TV package; or
    • as soon as your BT ID is authorised (if you are receiving the service through BT Sport online).
    the service – the BT Sport service (as described in clause 6) consisting of your package, including the channels, content and features provided as part of it, as set out in your order confirmation, on your bill and on your My BT account (if you have one).
    third party’s TV package – a TV package provided by another TV service provider.
    working days – Monday to Friday, except bank holidays and public holidays.
  3. What are these terms and conditions for?
    1. These are the terms and conditions which apply when we provide the service.
    2. If we provide you with another service (like BT TV or BT Broadband), you'll have a separate agreement for each service. Please read each agreement carefully. Although some of the terms are the same or very similar, each service has important differences.
  4. When the service starts and how long it lasts
    1. The service starts on the service start date.
    2. Unless you change your mind and cancel the agreement in the cooling-off period (see clause 5),the service will last for at least the minimum term and will carry on after then unless:
      • you end the service in a way set out in clauses 13; or
      • we end the service in line with clause 14.
      We might also set a new minimum term during or after your initial minimum term (for example, if you take up one of our offers). We'll always tell you beforehand if we plan to set a new minimum term.
    3. If you want to end the service before the minimum term has ended, or if we end it in line with clauses 14b (iii) to 14b (xiii), you may have to pay us a charge for leaving early. Take a look at clause 16 for details.
  5. You can't change your mind
    You've asked us to start suppling the content to you immediately and because of that you agree that you do not have a right to cancel, except as set out in clause 13.

The service

  1. What am I getting?
    1. The service is a selection of packages and other content which may change from time to time. It also allows you to rent or buy on-demand content.
    2. We can provide the service through:
      • BT TV;
      • a third party’s TV package;
      • BT Sport online.
      When you place your order we'll agree which option you want.
    3. The content and functions you get depends on how you get the service. For example, the content through BT TV might be different from the content through BT Sport online.
    4. The content and functions you get through BT Sport online depends on your device and whether you get the service using BT Broadband or any other mobile network (whether with us or someone else). Some devices may not be able to show some content.
  2. How you can use the service
    1. The service is just for you and your household for personal use (meaning that it should not be used for, or displayed in the premises of, any trade, business or profession). You're responsible for how the service is used.
    2. You can only watch content provided as part of the service, including recordings, at your home (which is the address where we’ve registered the service). The exceptions are:
      1. If you get the service from a third party’s TV package. In that case, you can only get the service in the UK, Channel Islands or Isle of Man.
      2. if you get the service though BT Sport online or the BT Sport app. In those cases, you can only get the service in the UK, Channel Islands or Isle of Man or when you’re temporarily in another EU country.
    3. You agree that you'll do the following in connection with the service.
      1. Follow any reasonable instructions we give you and help us run our security checks.
      2. Get any permission we need to provide the service to you.
      3. Tell us if you change your name, address, email address, mobile number, payment details or anything else we might need to know about. Your address must remain within the UK.
      4. Do everything you can to keep your BT ID username and password private and stop anyone else from using them. You should also keep your bill and account details safe from fraudsters. There is guidance on this on the website at
      5. Tell us straight away, and change your BT ID password, if you think or know that someone else knows your BT ID username and password.
      6. Use the service lawfully. That means you must not use it in a way that breaks any law, regulation or rule in force in England and Wales, Scotland or Northern Ireland (as appropriate).
      7. Only get the service on one set-top box, unless you also have:
        • the BT Sport Second Box service (which allows you to get the service through a second set-top box provided as part of a third party’s TV package);
        • the BT Extra Box Service (where we give you another set-top box to watch the service in another room); or
        • BT Sport via through both BT TV and a third party’s TV package.
      8. Not do anything which might have a negative effect on:
        • our systems, networks, servers, brand, reputation or security;
        • other customers’ services or equipment;
        • other customers’ security; or
        • any other person's or business's systems, networks or security.
    4. If we reasonably believe you've misused the service, or have let anyone else misuse it, you might have to pay us for any loss or damage we suffer as a result. There are more details about this in our Acceptable Use Policy at
    5. Your use of the service, and any software you need to get it, is protected by:
      • laws relating to intellectual property rights to plans, ideas, or other non-physical assets);
      • these terms and conditions; and
      • any extra terms of use or end-user licence agreement you accept (you won’t have to pay any charges under an end-user agreement unless you’ve agreed to).
    6. We own, or hold a licence for, all copyright, trademarks and other intellectual property rights in all material or content provided on, or relating to, the service. We don’t transfer any rights in any content to you, unless we’ve agreed otherwise in writing.
    7. If you have to download software to get the service, that software may send us information about your device (including information about what you’re using the device for). We explain the type of information we might collect in our privacy policy at By using the software, you're agreeing to our privacy policy.

    8. BT Sport online
    9. Our terms of use on the BT Sport website apply to BT Sport online.
    10. To view BT Sport online your device must be able to connect to an internet connection that is fast enough.
    11. If you can only get BT Sport through the BT Sport app on your mobile phone, you won't be able to view the service on the BT Sport website.
    12. You can get BT Sport online on up to two devices (or any other maximum number we agree with you). Sometimes we might temporarily restrict your access to BT Sport online to one device if we need to protect the quality of the service.
    13. Using the service may lower your broadband speed for other internet-based services.

    14. BT Sport app
    15. To use the BT Sport app your device must have an internet connection that is fast enough.
    16. To download the BT Sport app you must be in the UK.
    17. Every time you download the BT Sport app to a device you'll need to accept an end-user licence. You won’t have to pay any charges under the end-user licence, unless you agree to.
    18. You may not be able to view the same content or channels on the BT Sport app that are available on your set-top box.
    19. You must only watch live content in the UK, the Channel Islands and Isle of Man or when you’re temporarily in another EU country.
  3. What you mustn't do
    You mustn't do the following, or allow anyone else to do them.
    1. Make unauthorised or unlawful recordings of any content or copy, publish, rent out, reproduce, transmit, alter, interfere with or receive any payment in connection with the relevant software or any content you watch, stream or download from the service. (One exception is what’s permitted under the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988. For example, you are allowed to record programmes on your set-top box or any other device to watch later.)
    2. Attempt to access the BT Sport app while connected to a VPN or Proxy.
    3. Reproduce any recording made using your set-top box or made from the service.
    4. Distribute, broadcast or otherwise transfer any content to another person in any way.
    5. Display any part of the service in retail, business or commercial premises or for any business purpose.
    6. Sell or charge anyone for watching or using any part of the service.
    7. Show any part of the service to an audience in public, even if you do not charge.
    8. Try to break any security or content-protection rules relating to the service, or compromise the security of the content or any device used for viewing the service.
    9. Edit, change, translate or create adaptions or other copies of any content.
    10. Otherwise use any content or any part of it except how the agreement says you can.
  4. Usage allowances
    1. If you get the service through BT TV or BT Sport online over your BT Broadband, the data you use won't usually count towards any broadband usage limits.
    2. If any content counts towards your broadband usage limit, we’ll show a warning message onscreen or on the video player webpage before the broadcast or download begins.
    3. If you get your broadband from someone else, or you use a device which isn’t connected to BT Broadband, when you use BT Sport online it will count towards any relevant usage limit. If you use BT Sport online through any mobile network, including BT Mobile, it will count towards any monthly data allowance.
  5. What we have to do for you
    1. We provide the service to your home.
    2. We aim to provide a continuous, high-quality service using reasonable care and skill. However, due to the nature of the service and the equipment we use to provide it, we can’t guarantee that it'll be available all the time.
    3. Sometimes there are faults with the service. We'll fix any faults as soon as we can. Clause 17 sets out what you can do if there’s a problem.
    4. Occasionally, we might have to interrupt, change or temporarily suspend some or all of the service. That could be to maintain, upgrade or repair the network. If we do, we'll try to get the service up and running again as quickly as possible.
    5. In exceptional circumstances, we may have to do things to manage our network's performance. Please read the policy at
    6. The quality and availability of content depends on the following.
      • For content provided through BT Sport online, the quality and speed of your internet connection.
      • For content provided through BT TV over BT Broadband, the quality of the cable connection between your set-top box and BT hub.
      • For content provided through a third party’s TV package, the quality of the broadcast from the third party.
    7. If we know or suspect that any of your devices have been infected by malware (software designed to disrupt or damage a computer system, such as a computer virus), or if they try to access a malicious website (a website that attempts to install malware), we might take action. That might mean we put software onto our network to protect you and your device, to stop the spread of the malware or to prevent your devices from going to the malicious website.
    8. We may prevent anyone copying any content from the service.


  1. Availability of content
    1. We can't guarantee content will always be available. For example, some channels and other content are provided to us by third parties so we can't guarantee they’ll always be available. In certain circumstances, content may only be available in some parts of the UK.
    2. We can’t guarantee programme information will be accurate or complete. We aim to make content available at the times shown, but that may vary.
    3. Some content may only be available for a limited time (an ‘access period’). When the access period has ended, the content will no longer be available to you. We'll tell you if this is the case.
    4. Different content and service features are available with different packages. You'll find more details at


  1. Paying what you owe us
    1. You must pay the charges for the service every month or every three months (depending on what we’ve agreed with you). You’ll pay in advance (for the period ahead) by direct debit. If there are any extra usage charges (for example, for renting on-demand content) we might bill you for these later on.
    2. You'll get bills online at If you'd like paper bills, just ask us. We may charge you an extra fee, but we’ll tell you about this beforehand.
    3. You must pay any bills as soon as you get them, unless we agree otherwise with you.
    4. If you genuinely think any amounts on your bill are wrong, tell us straight away. We won't suspend or end the service while we look into the matter. You must pay any amounts you agree that you owe.
    5. If you don't pay your bill on time, we'll phone you or send you a reminder. If you still haven’t paid:
      • seven days after the date we remind you (if you pay once a month); or
      • 10 days after the date we remind you (if you pay every three months);
    6. we might add a late-payment charge to your next bill. You may also have to pay a failed-payment charge if a direct debit or cheque bounces because you don't have enough money in your account. VAT is not added to these charges.
    7. If you haven't paid a bill, we won't normally suspend or end the service until 21 days after the date your payment was due (28 days if you pay every three months). However, if this isn’t the first time that you haven’t paid a bill on time, we may suspend or end the service earlier.
    8. If you don't pay your bill, we may give details, including your personal information, to a debt-collection agency and ask them to collect the money for us. If we do, you'll have to pay an extra charge to compensate us. The charge won't be more than the amount we have to pay to the debt-collection agency, who will add the charge to your debt. VAT will not be added to any extra charge we add to your bill.
    9. We might also transfer your debt to any other business (in which case, your personal information will also be transferred) who might then try to collect the amount in a way it considers suitable.
      This clause continues to apply after the agreement with us has ended.
    10. By agreeing to take the service from us, you agree to us sharing details of your BT payment history with credit-reference agencies. If we choose, we’ll share your personal information with agencies like Experian or Equifax in line with data-protection laws.
    11. If you get the service through a third party’s TV package, that third party or one of their partners may charge you, not us. We're not responsible for any bills you might get from the third party. If you're not sure who bills you for the service, please get in touch.
    12. Unless you tell us not to, we may take any amounts you owe from the bank account or the credit-card or debit-card account you've given us details of. Entering into the agreement is authorising us to do this.

Ending the service

  1. When you can end the service
    1. You can cancel the agreement at any time, by giving us 30 days' notice, if we've changed the charges, the service or these terms and conditions, and this significantly disadvantages you. In this case, you won't have to pay a fee for leaving early.
    2. The service will stop 30 days after the date you tell us. You must keep paying the agreed charges until the date the service ends. If you're within the minimum term when you contact us to stop the service, you may have to pay a fee for leaving early.
    3. You can cancel at any time if we break a significant term of the agreement. In this case you won't have to pay a fee for leaving early.
    4. If you end the service in line with clause 27a when we move you to another TV package, you won't have to pay a fee for leaving early.
    5. You can cancel service features at any time by giving us 30 days' notice.
  2. When we may restrict, suspend or end the service
    1. We can stop providing you the service at any time by giving you at least 30 days' written notice.
    2. If you break the agreement, we'll normally let you try to put things right within a reasonable time. But we may limit, suspend (in part or fully) or end the service immediately if any of the following apply.
      1. We have to end the agreement by law or in line with any regulation.
      2. We can't provide the service (or part of it) any more, or we have suspended or restricted a related service.
      3. You break the agreement and don't put things right in a reasonable time.
      4. You seriously misuse the service.
      5. You or anyone using the service acts towards our staff or agents in a way which we think is unsuitable or serious enough to justify suspending or ending the service.
      6. You don’t pay for the service (as described at the end of clause 12f) or you pay in a way other than how we’ve agreed with you.
      7. You cancel your direct debit and we haven't agreed another way you can pay.
      8. We reasonably suspect fraud or other unauthorised activity.
      9. It’s reasonable for us to do so to protect our network and maintain a high-quality service.
      10. Your usage is significantly different to what we'd expect from the average customer.
      11. You significantly break any other agreement you have with us and don’t put things right within a reasonable time.
      12. You use the service in a way the average customer wouldn't use it.
      13. We reasonably believe you're using the service in a way that isn’t in line with the agreement.
    3. If we suspend or end the service because you’ve broken the agreement, we may give your details to the owner of any content or to any relevant enforcement agency. We may also remove any BT equipment you’re using in commercial premises.
    4. If we suspect there’s been, or is likely to be, a security incident, we might suspend your BT ID username to protect your account. We’ll ask you to change your password before letting you log back in.
    5. If we suspend or end the service, we'll tell you what you need to do to restore it.
    6. If you're within the minimum term when we tell you we'll end the service for any reason set out in clauses 14b(iii) to 14b(xiii), you'll have to pay a fee in line with clause 16.
    7. If we suspend or end the service for any reason set out in clauses 14b(iii) to 14b(xiii):
      • we may charge a fee for starting the service again; and
      • you may have to pay the charges for the service while it is suspended, up until it ends.
    8. If you break the agreement and we do not take action, we can still take action at a later date.
    9. If you or we end the service, we'll refund any amount you've paid upfront. But first we'll take off anything you owe us in connection with the service or any other agreement between you and us.
  3. When you get other services from us
    1. Sometimes we can only provide you with the service if you also have one of our other services. If one service ends or is suspended, we might need to end or suspend the other. If that’s the case, we’ll tell you.
    2. You might be paying less for the service as a result of you also taking another BT service. If you leave the other service, your charges may go up.
    3. If you're using any app or feature which we provide in connection with the service, these may end on the day the agreement ends.
    4. If you order BT Broadband at the same time as you order the service through a third party’s TV package, and you then:
    • cancel BT Broadband before it’s activated, or during its cooling-off period; or
    • delay your BT Broadband activation date by more than 30 days;
    you'll have to pay the full standard price for the service, as set out in our Tariff Guide, from the service start date. You may also have to pay a charge for the service being activated.
  4. Charges for ending the agreement early
    1. You will have to pay us a fee for ending the agreement early if:
      • you end the service during the minimum term, except in the circumstances set out in clause 16b below; or
      • we end the service during the minimum term in line with clauses 14b(iii) to 14b(xiii).
    2. You won't have to pay the charges referred to in clause 19 if:
      • you end the service under clause 13a
      • as a result of changes that significantly disadvantage you;
      • you end the service under clause 13b as a result of us breaking a significant term of the agreement; or
      • you end the service under clause 13c as a result of us moving you to another service.
    3. The fee you will have to pay is the total amount of charges you'd have paid if you stayed with us for the whole minimum term minus any costs we save from you leaving early. There is more information at

If something goes wrong

  1. What you can do when we don't keep our promises
    If you've had a problem with the service, you may have a few legal options. There is more information
  2. What we're not responsible for and limits on our liability
    1. If our negligence causes death or personal injury, we accept responsibility and there is no limit to our liability. We also accept responsibility for our fraud, fraudulent statements or any other liability the law does not allow us to exclude or limit.
    2. We accept responsibility for loss of or damage to your physical property arising from our negligence. We'll pay up to £100,000 in total for any one event or series of connected events arising in any 12-month period.
    3. Apart from responsibility we accept under clauses 18a and 18b, we won't pay you more than a total of £5,000 in compensation in any 12-month period.
    4. Apart from responsibility we accept under clauses 18a and 18b, we’re not responsible to you for the following.
      1. Any delay or failure caused by something beyond our reasonable control. This could be things such as lightning, flood, severe weather, fire, explosion, terrorist activities, epidemic, riots, war, anything done by a government or other public authority, or strikes or other industrial action.
      2. You breaking the agreement.
      3. Any loss caused by you using the service in a way that breaks the agreement.
      4. Any commercial or business loss.
      5. Any loss or damage caused by malware or the unauthorised use of the service on any of your devices.
      6. Any loss of, corruption of or release of data or information.
      7. You using any equipment or hardware we haven't supplied.
      8. Losses which we couldn’t reasonably have expected or which we couldn’t have considered when entering into the agreement.
    5. We’re not responsible for any third party’s TV package or any equipment you got from a third party for use with the service. We won't be responsible if you can't get the service due to a fault with any of these.
    6. We're not responsible if BT Sport online is suspended, interrupted or not available to you because of problems with network coverage or connecting to the internet. If you're having trouble with your BT Broadband, take a look at the terms and conditions for that service.
    7. You're responsible for any costs your mobile network or broadband provider charges for them to provide you with the network coverage or internet connection you need to use BT Sport online.

Changes we may make

  1. How we can change the service, package, content, channels, charges and terms and conditions of the agreement
    We may change the service, package, content, channels, charges and the terms and conditions of the agreement at any time for the reasons set out in clauses 21 to 26.
  2. How we’ll tell you about changes and your rights if we do make changes
    If any change we make to the service, package, content, channels, charges or the terms and conditions of the agreement significantly disadvantages you (except where charges go up, as set out in clause 15b), we’ll do the following.
    • We’ll tell you at least 30 days before the change, unless there are reasons why we can’t (for example, if a third party withdraws content and doesn’t give us enough notice). In this case we'll give you as much notice as possible.
    • We’ll give you the chance to end the service by giving us 30 days' notice. You won’t have to pay any extra charges or a fee for leaving early. But you’ll have to tell us that you want to do this within 30 days from the date of the notice that we send you.
    • We'll write to you about any other changes or advertise the change another way, such as on our website.
  3. How we may change the package, content, channels, features or functions
    1. We don't guarantee we'll provide you with any particular content. We change our channels and programmes from time-to-time for lots of reasons, some of which are listed in clause 21b below.
    2. We can:
      • change, add to, replace or withdraw the package, content, channels, features or functions;
      • change or cut the hours of broadcast on any channel; or
      • encrypt or decrypt any content or channel;
    for any of the following reasons.
    1. If the content available to us changes (for example, if we gain or lose the right to show particular sporting events and want to change our TV packages or channels as a result).
    2. To introduce new packages, content or channels.
    3. To improve, update, or add to your package, content or channels.
    4. If broadcasters or organisations who provide us with content or channels stop making them available generally, or to us, or they make changes to them.
    5. To let us change the way we charge you for certain packages, content, channels, features or functions (for example, when we add new channels).
    6. If, in our opinion, it’s no longer commercially sensible for us to provide your package, content or channels (for example, because it’s become too expensive for us to buy the rights to sport content).
    7. If we change the way we structure our packages, content or channels (for example, changing the names of our packages).
    8. To make editorial changes to the content.
    9. To help us show the service in a way that we think gives you a better viewing experience (for example, by adding extra online features or ultra HD).
  4. Other changes to your package, content, channels, features or functions
    Because we might provide the service to you for a long time (not just for the minimum term), and we can't always predict what will happen in the future, we might need to make changes to packages, content, channels, features or functions for a reason not listed in clause 21b. If we do, we'll give you notice and you might be able to end the service under clause 20.
  5. Changes to the service or to the terms and conditions of the agreement
    We may change the service (including your package, content, features or functions) and the terms and conditions of the agreement to do the following.
    1. Make the agreement clearer or easier for you to understand, or change it in another way that doesn't significantly disadvantage you.
    2. Change, improve, update or add to the service (for example, if we add extra functions).
    3. Introduce new services or equipment (like a new security product).
    4. Change the way we structure our prices, charges, services, packages or content (for example, if we change the names of products or services).
    5. Add to or change the way we provide the service or any features (for example, if we introduce new ways to provide the service).
    6. Reflect changes to or developments in technology.
    7. Withdraw, replace or remove all or part of any service.
    8. Make changes to technical specifications (for example, limits for transferring information associated with the service and the technology we use).
    9. Update, upgrade, improve or alter the service (for example, to fix bugs or faults, tackle security issues, improve software and so on).
    10. Reflect a change in our ability to provide the service in a particular area (for example, if your mobile or broadband coverage increases).
    11. Reorganise the way we manage or run our business.
    12. Reflect a change to any law, code of practice, regulation, guidance or responsibility that applies to us.
  6. Other changes to the service or the terms and conditions of the agreement
    We might provide the service to you for a long time (not just for the minimum term), and we can’t always predict what will happen in the future, so we might need to make changes to the service or the terms and conditions of the agreement for a reason not listed in clause 23. If we do, we'll give you notice and you might be able to end the service under clause 20.
  7. Changes to the charges
    We may change the charges if any of the following apply.
    1. We make any of changes to the service or the terms and conditions of the agreement for any of the reasons listed in clause 21b, clause 22, clauses 23(ii) to 23(xi) and clause 24.
    2. We significantly change or add to the content (like introducing new channels or changing the programmes in your existing channels).
    3. We introduce a new package or content we want to charge for separately.
    4. The cost of providing the service goes up (for example, if we get rights to show different content which cost us more, or the price of the content goes up).
    5. The cost of running our business goes up.
    6. We reorganise the way we manage or run our business.
    7. There’s a change in any law, code of practice, regulation, guidance or responsibility that applies to us (for example, if there’s a VAT increase).
  8. Other changes to the charges
    We might need to change the charges for reasons other than those listed in clause 25. If we do, we'll give you notice and you might be able to end the service in line with clause 20.
  9. Moving you between packages
    1. If we withdraw your package, we'll move you onto our next best, or better, package. If we can, we'll tell you at least 30 days before we do this. If we can’t, we'll give you as much notice
      • let you end the service without paying a fee for ending it early; or
      • not charge you the higher amount for the rest of the minimum term. We'll tell you what we're going to do beforehand.
    2. After the end of the minimum term we'll charge you the full price of the package we’ve moved you to.
    3. We may move you to a better service, package or offer at no extra cost for a trial period. We'll tell you at least 30 days before we do this. At the end of the trial period, we’ll either keep you on the better service, package or offer at no extra cost, or we'll move you back to what you had before. We'll tell you beforehand which we're going to do. You can tell us to end the trial period and move you back to what you had before whenever you like.
    4. Sometimes we might give you extra content or channels at no extra cost as part of the service. We can change, charge for or withdraw the extra content or channels at any time, and this won't be considered to significantly disadvantage you. If we plan to charge for any extra content or channels you’re getting at no extra cost, we'll tell you beforehand. Then you'll need to tell us if you don't want to pay for them.
    5. You can choose to upgrade or change the service. If you do, there might be a new minimum term. If that happens, we'll tell you before you confirm your upgrade or change the service.
    6. If you took the service alongside other BT services (like BT Phone or BT Broadband), you might not be able to change the service, package or features until the end of the minimum term for all of the BT services.

Everything else

  1. Equipment and software
    1. If you get the service through a third party’s TV package, you might need a viewing card from us or the third party. If you have the BT Sport Second Box service you might need a separate viewing card for the second set-top box. Paragraphs 28b to 28j apply to all viewing cards.
    2. If you think your viewing card isn’t working, please tell us or the third party who provided it (as appropriate).
    3. Your viewing card is like a key which unlocks (or decrypts) the channels. Having a viewing card doesn’t mean you own it, or that you have the right to get the service. If we or the third party who provided your viewing card asks you to, you must return the viewing card after the service ends or if you need a replacement.
    4. Only you can use the viewing card. You can only use it at your home and with the registered
      set-top box.
    5. If you give the viewing card to anybody else, it might mean the service stops.
    6. You mustn't tamper with the viewing card or use it for anything that is not authorised by us or the third party who provided the card.
    7. You must keep the viewing card in your set-top box at all times.
    8. We or the third party who provided the viewing card own the software in your viewing card and set-top box. You must allow the software to be updated, upgraded or replaced. Updates and upgrades will sometimes happen automatically and at no extra cost. To get software updates, your set-top box should be plugged into the mains and connected to your broadband service, even while it’s in standby mode.
    9. The third party providing your package can use your name, address and the details of the service you get through the viewing card for the purpose of providing their TV package.
    10. You mustn’t use your viewing card outside the UK, Channel Islands and Isle of Man.
    11. You must let us update, upgrade or replace software relating to the service. We might do this automatically.
    12. We’ll only support and be responsible for equipment we provide. If you use anyone else’s equipment (like a router), you have to check it works with the service.
    13. You must not connect equipment to our network that may harm it, or harm anyone else's equipment or services. If you do, you must disconnect it straight away, or pay us to do it.
  2. Promotions, advertising and links to other websites
    1. If you deal with advertisers who use the service, or join in with their promotions, we’re not responsible for any loss or damage of any kind that happens as a result of those dealings.
    2. BT Sport online may link to other websites or content not owned or run by us. We're not responsible for the availability of or content of those websites.
  3. How to get in touch with us and how we'll contact you
    1. a We'll send you any written notice by email or by posting it to the home address we have for you. We'll send you other notices by voicemail, text message or other forms of electronic message. We’ll assume you get letters in the post two working days after we’ve sent them. It’s your responsibility to read the notices we send you.
    2. b You can phone us on 0800 800 150 or by dialling 150 on your BT mobile. Calls are free from landlines and BT mobiles, and charged at the standard rate from other mobiles. More details of how to get in touch are given on our website at
  4. Parental controls
    Some content might not be suitable for children. You’re responsible for making sure content is suitable for the people in your household.
  5. Sorting out complaints
    1. From time to time you might need to contact us about a problem you're having with the service. Our Customer Complaints Code explains how to do that. You can read the code on our website at, or you can ask us to send you a copy.
    2. We'll try our best to settle any complaint you might have about the service. If we can't, you can refer the matter to a dispute-resolution service to get an independent opinion. More details are given in our Customer Complaints Code.
    3. If we cannot agree a solution with you within eight weeks of getting your complaint, or before the eight weeks is up we agree in writing that the dispute should be settled by an independent adjudicator, you can refer it for ‘alternative dispute resolution’ by contacting Ombudsman Services: Communications. You can find out more on their website at
      ombudsman-services or by phoning 0330 440 1614. The Ombudsman’s service is free.
    4. You might be able to refer a dispute to European Online Dispute Resolution at This is an online service designed to help people who’ve bought things online. It gives access to independent dispute-resolution services. These are usually free.
  6. Transferring the agreement
    The agreement is only between you and us. You cannot transfer it to anyone else, or try to do so. We can transfer the agreement, and our rights and obligations under it, to anyone else (including if we reorganise the way we work as a business), as long as it doesn’t have a negative effect on your rights.
  7. Other things we need to tell you
    1. Only you and we can take action under the agreement. Nobody else can enforce it or benefit from it (except in line with clause 33).
    2. If any part of the agreement cannot be enforced, all other parts of the agreement will still apply.
    3. We might record calls (including marketing calls) to help us with training and to prevent identity fraud. We also record all 999 and 112 emergency calls.
    4. The agreement is made under English and Welsh law. Any disputes you and we cannot settle can only be decided in English and Welsh Courts, unless:
      • You live in Scotland, in which case Scottish law applies and Scottish courts will settle disputes; or
      • You live in Northern Ireland, in which case the law of Northern Ireland applies and the courts of Northern Ireland will settle disputes.

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